Colors - Flowbite React
Learn how to customize and override the default color system in Flowbite React, including base colors, semantic colors, and theme configuration for both Tailwind CSS v3 and v4
Flowbite React comes with a comprehensive color system that includes both base colors and semantic colors, along with additional theme configurations. This guide will show you how to use and customize these settings in your project.
Default Theme Settings#
Background ImagesThese background images are used for various UI components:
const backgroundImage = {
Box ShadowsAdditional box shadow utilities:
const boxShadow = {
"sm-light": "0 2px 5px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.08)",
Base ColorsThe complete set of base colors with their full spectrum:
const baseColors = {
gray: {
50: "#F9FAFB",
100: "#F3F4F6",
200: "#E5E7EB",
300: "#D1D5DB",
400: "#9CA3AF",
500: "#6B7280",
600: "#4B5563",
700: "#374151",
800: "#1F2937",
900: "#111827",
red: {
50: "#FDF2F2",
100: "#FDE8E8",
200: "#FBD5D5",
300: "#F8B4B4",
400: "#F98080",
500: "#F05252",
600: "#E02424",
700: "#C81E1E",
800: "#9B1C1C",
900: "#771D1D",
orange: {
50: "#FFF8F1",
100: "#FEECDC",
200: "#FCD9BD",
300: "#FDBA8C",
400: "#FF8A4C",
500: "#FF5A1F",
600: "#D03801",
700: "#B43403",
800: "#8A2C0D",
900: "#771D1D",
yellow: {
50: "#FDFDEA",
100: "#FDF6B2",
200: "#FCE96A",
300: "#FACA15",
400: "#E3A008",
500: "#C27803",
600: "#9F580A",
700: "#8E4B10",
800: "#723B13",
900: "#633112",
green: {
50: "#F3FAF7",
100: "#DEF7EC",
200: "#BCF0DA",
300: "#84E1BC",
400: "#31C48D",
500: "#0E9F6E",
600: "#057A55",
700: "#046C4E",
800: "#03543F",
900: "#014737",
teal: {
50: "#EDFAFA",
100: "#D5F5F6",
200: "#AFECEF",
300: "#7EDCE2",
400: "#16BDCA",
500: "#0694A2",
600: "#047481",
700: "#036672",
800: "#05505C",
900: "#014451",
blue: {
50: "#EBF5FF",
100: "#E1EFFE",
200: "#C3DDFD",
300: "#A4CAFE",
400: "#76A9FA",
500: "#3F83F8",
600: "#1C64F2",
700: "#1A56DB",
800: "#1E429F",
900: "#233876",
indigo: {
50: "#F0F5FF",
100: "#E5EDFF",
200: "#CDDBFE",
300: "#B4C6FC",
400: "#8DA2FB",
500: "#6875F5",
600: "#5850EC",
700: "#5145CD",
800: "#42389D",
900: "#362F78",
purple: {
50: "#F6F5FF",
100: "#EDEBFE",
200: "#DCD7FE",
300: "#CABFFD",
400: "#AC94FA",
500: "#9061F9",
600: "#7E3AF2",
700: "#6C2BD9",
800: "#5521B5",
900: "#4A1D96",
pink: {
50: "#FDF2F8",
100: "#FCE8F3",
200: "#FAD1E8",
300: "#F8B4D9",
400: "#F17EB8",
500: "#E74694",
600: "#D61F69",
700: "#BF125D",
800: "#99154B",
900: "#751A3D",
Semantic ColorsThe default semantic colors used throughout Flowbite React components:
const semanticColors = {
primary: {
50: "#EBF5FF",
100: "#E1EFFE",
200: "#C3DDFD",
300: "#A4CAFE",
400: "#76A9FA",
500: "#3F83F8",
600: "#1C64F2",
700: "#1A56DB",
800: "#1E429F",
900: "#233876",
Customizing Colors#
Tailwind CSS v3For Tailwind CSS v3, you can customize colors by extending the theme in your tailwind.config.js
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
theme: {
extend: {
colors: {
// Override primary colors
primary: {
50: "#f0f9ff",
100: "#e0f2fe",
200: "#bae6fd",
300: "#7dd3fc",
400: "#38bdf8",
500: "#0ea5e9",
600: "#0284c7",
700: "#0369a1",
800: "#075985",
900: "#0c4a6e",
Tailwind CSS v4Tailwind CSS v4 introduces a new color system based on CSS variables. To customize colors define your color variables in the base layer:
@import "tailwindcss";
@theme {
--color-primary-50: #f0f9ff;
--color-primary-100: #e0f2fe;
--color-primary-200: #bae6fd;
--color-primary-300: #7dd3fc;
--color-primary-400: #38bdf8;
--color-primary-500: #0ea5e9;
--color-primary-600: #0284c7;
--color-primary-700: #0369a1;
--color-primary-800: #075985;
--color-primary-900: #0c4a6e;