Prefix - Flowbite React

Learn how you can change the Tailwind CSS classes prefix used by the components in Flowbite React

By following these steps, you can easily customize the Tailwind CSS prefix in your Flowbite React project, ensuring better compatibility with other CSS frameworks and avoiding class name conflicts.

Setting the Prefix#

Flowbite React Configuration#

To set a custom prefix for Flowbite React components, modify the prefix property in your .flowbite-react/config.json file:

  "$schema": "",
  "components": [],
  "dark": true,
  "path": "components",
  "prefix": "tw",
  "rsc": true,
  "tsx": true

Tailwind CSS Configuration#

You must also configure the prefix in your Tailwind CSS setup. The configuration syntax differs between Tailwind CSS versions:

Tailwind CSS v3#

In Tailwind CSS v3, you can use any prefix including special characters:

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
  prefix: "tw-",
  // ... rest of your config

Tailwind CSS v4#

In Tailwind CSS v4, the prefix cannot contain special characters (like hyphens). Use simple strings like tw instead of tw-:

@import "tailwindcss" prefix(tw);

Update Your React Application#

Next, render the ThemeConfig component at the root of your app with the same prefix property:

import { ThemeConfig } from "flowbite-react";

export default function App() {
  return (
      <ThemeConfig prefix="tw" />
      {/* ... */}

This configuration will ensure that all Flowbite React components use the specified prefix for their Tailwind CSS classes. The prefix will be automatically applied to all component classes.